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Welcome to the BETA Health & Life Sciences Professional Network

Build connections, contribute and collaborate

A professional networking platform that thrives from collaboration

We are reshaping the future of networking in the health and life sciences industry to enable a more progressive ecosystem thriving from knowledge sharing, connections and collaboration.

Join a growing network of professionals from global organisations.

1,000s of people are already establishing themselves digitally. Doctors, consultants, surgeons, entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and more...

Prof. Shafi

Get instant access and start building your Health & Life Sciences Network

✔︎ Connect and collaborate with other professionals, institutions and organisations
✔︎ Monetise your insights, experience and expertise
✔︎ Discover the latest opportunities from jobs, speaking engagements, advisory roles and research.

Become Visible and Impactful

A single channel to build a brand, grow your network and have all of your content in one place - people won’t have to spend hours to find all of your work online anymore.

✔︎ Establish yourself as a thought leader or industry expert
✔︎ Avoid being left behind when everyone else is going digital
✔︎ Reach more people than you ever could physically
Dr Jane Brown
HealthTech Consultant, Ex-Pharma medical affairs and Medical Doctor

Discover the latest thoughts, articles, courses and more...

Engage with people who’ve been there and done it.

Community knowledge, insights and experiences for your development and growth

Topics include
Digital Health

Pharma, Biotech or Life Science company?

Lead the discussion in your field and better engage the health and life sciences community.

Collaborate with those in other areas including Marketing, Clinical Development or Market Access.

Build a compliant channel and grow a ring-fenced community you can engage on-demand.

Get in touch to open a channel